Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 4: Grocery List and Meal Previews

Paleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
Paleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
Paleo Baba-ghanoush

Paleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
Paleo Pizza
Paleo Meatloaf


butter1 1/2 tablespoon(s) cashew butterPaleo Pizza
egg white1/4 cup(s)Paleo Pizza
milk2/3 cup(s) almond milkPaleo Meatloaf
Baking Supplies

coconut milk2/3 15 oz.Paleo Butternut Squash Soup
flour1/2 cup(s) almond flourPaleo Pizza

coconut oil1/4 cup(s)Paleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
olive oil3/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Baba-ghanoush
olive oilfor bastingPaleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
olive oil1 1/2 teaspoon(s) dividedPaleo Pizza
olive oil1/3 cup(s)Paleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
Herbs & Spices

cumin1/4 teaspoon(s) optionalPaleo Baba-ghanoush
fennel seeds1/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Pizza
hot pepper1 1/3 small red chilies, seeded andPaleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
mustard, dry1/3 teaspoon(s)Paleo Meatloaf
oregano1/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Pizza
pepper1/8 teaspoon(s)Paleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
pepper1/4 teaspoon(s) blackPaleo Meatloaf
red pepper1/2 choppedPaleo Pizza
sage, dried1/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Meatloaf
salt3/8 teaspoon(s)Paleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
salt1/3 teaspoon(s)Paleo Meatloaf
salt and pepperto tastePaleo Baba-ghanoush
salt and pepperto tastePaleo Butternut Squash Soup
salt and pepperto tastePaleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
thyme1/3 tablespoon(s) or any dried herbPaleo Butternut Squash Soup
Tumeric2/3 teaspoon(s)Paleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
Tomato Products

Marinara sauce1/4 cup(s)Paleo Pizza

turkey1/2 pound(s) groundPaleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers

ground beef, lean1 pound(s)Paleo Meatloaf
sausage1/2 large made fresh withoutPaleo Pizza

scallop2/3 pound(s) largePaleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
shrimp16 raw, shelled, deveined and rinsedPaleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry

lemon juice1/2 tablespoon(s)Paleo Baba-ghanoush
lemon juice2/3 tablespoon(s)Paleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
lemon juice1/3 cup(s)Paleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
lemon zest2/3 tablespoon(s)Paleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
Special Produce

cilantro, fresh1/2 cup(s) choppedPaleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
garlic clove1/2 mincedPaleo Baba-ghanoush
garlic clove1 teaspoon(s) mincedPaleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
garlic clove1 tablespoon(s) mincedPaleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
garlic clove1 1/3 mincedPaleo Meatloaf
garlic clove1 mincedPaleo Pizza
garlic clove2 mincedPaleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
ginger root2/3 tablespoon(s) gratedPaleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
parsley, freshoptional, for garnishingPaleo Baba-ghanoush

butternut squash2/3Paleo Butternut Squash Soup
cabbage1/3 cup(s) choppedPaleo Meatloaf
cherry tomato1/4 cup(s) halvedPaleo Pizza
eggplant1/2 largePaleo Baba-ghanoush
onion2/3 small finely choppedPaleo Meatloaf
onion1/4 cup(s) choppedPaleo Pizza
onion2/3 small finely choppedPaleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
red onion1/8 cup(s) choppedPaleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers

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