Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Coming soon....

How to make homemade Medicine Balls, 
Weight PVC Pipe Barbells, and Sandbag Kettlebells!!  

Sunday, June 5, 2011

28 Day Challenge... COMPLETE

Hello everyone!! I hope the past 28 days have been challenging, fun, educational, and effective for everyone.  We will be taking the next week off from posting videos, and will resume next Monday!! In the mean time, daily workouts will be posted at Stay tuned...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 4: Grocery List and Meal Previews

Paleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
Paleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
Paleo Baba-ghanoush

Paleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
Paleo Pizza
Paleo Meatloaf


butter1 1/2 tablespoon(s) cashew butterPaleo Pizza
egg white1/4 cup(s)Paleo Pizza
milk2/3 cup(s) almond milkPaleo Meatloaf
Baking Supplies

coconut milk2/3 15 oz.Paleo Butternut Squash Soup
flour1/2 cup(s) almond flourPaleo Pizza

coconut oil1/4 cup(s)Paleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
olive oil3/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Baba-ghanoush
olive oilfor bastingPaleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
olive oil1 1/2 teaspoon(s) dividedPaleo Pizza
olive oil1/3 cup(s)Paleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
Herbs & Spices

cumin1/4 teaspoon(s) optionalPaleo Baba-ghanoush
fennel seeds1/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Pizza
hot pepper1 1/3 small red chilies, seeded andPaleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
mustard, dry1/3 teaspoon(s)Paleo Meatloaf
oregano1/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Pizza
pepper1/8 teaspoon(s)Paleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
pepper1/4 teaspoon(s) blackPaleo Meatloaf
red pepper1/2 choppedPaleo Pizza
sage, dried1/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Meatloaf
salt3/8 teaspoon(s)Paleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
salt1/3 teaspoon(s)Paleo Meatloaf
salt and pepperto tastePaleo Baba-ghanoush
salt and pepperto tastePaleo Butternut Squash Soup
salt and pepperto tastePaleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
thyme1/3 tablespoon(s) or any dried herbPaleo Butternut Squash Soup
Tumeric2/3 teaspoon(s)Paleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
Tomato Products

Marinara sauce1/4 cup(s)Paleo Pizza

turkey1/2 pound(s) groundPaleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers

ground beef, lean1 pound(s)Paleo Meatloaf
sausage1/2 large made fresh withoutPaleo Pizza

scallop2/3 pound(s) largePaleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
shrimp16 raw, shelled, deveined and rinsedPaleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry

lemon juice1/2 tablespoon(s)Paleo Baba-ghanoush
lemon juice2/3 tablespoon(s)Paleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
lemon juice1/3 cup(s)Paleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
lemon zest2/3 tablespoon(s)Paleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
Special Produce

cilantro, fresh1/2 cup(s) choppedPaleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
garlic clove1/2 mincedPaleo Baba-ghanoush
garlic clove1 teaspoon(s) mincedPaleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers
garlic clove1 tablespoon(s) mincedPaleo Lemon and Garlic Scallops
garlic clove1 1/3 mincedPaleo Meatloaf
garlic clove1 mincedPaleo Pizza
garlic clove2 mincedPaleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
ginger root2/3 tablespoon(s) gratedPaleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
parsley, freshoptional, for garnishingPaleo Baba-ghanoush

butternut squash2/3Paleo Butternut Squash Soup
cabbage1/3 cup(s) choppedPaleo Meatloaf
cherry tomato1/4 cup(s) halvedPaleo Pizza
eggplant1/2 largePaleo Baba-ghanoush
onion2/3 small finely choppedPaleo Meatloaf
onion1/4 cup(s) choppedPaleo Pizza
onion2/3 small finely choppedPaleo Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry
red onion1/8 cup(s) choppedPaleo Cilantro Turkey Burgers

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 3: Workout 5

Daily Recipe
(Click to view)

*Tracy Christian (on left) of today's workout is a trainer at Mohr Fitness.  To contact her for information on personal or group training call (423) 930-5361

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 3: Workout 4

Daily Recipe:
(Click to view)

Daily Recipe:
Click to view

Folks, I'm having technical difficulties editing this video.  The volume is low and there is no music.  I'll continue to work on it, but in the mean time.  GET AT IT!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 3 Grocery List and Meal Previews

Daily Recipe:
(Click to view)


Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad

Paleo Grape and Broccoli Salad

Paleo Basil and Chilies Beef Stir-Fry

Paleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry

Paleo Hungarian Beef Goulash

Paleo Creamy Mushroom Soup

Paleo Spaghetti

Baking Supplies

almond1/4 cup(s) slivered or choppedPaleo Grape and Broccoli Salad
coconut milk1/4 cup(s)Paleo Creamy Mushroom Soup

coconut oilPaleo Basil and Chilies Beef Stir-Fry
coconut oilPaleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
coconut oil1 tablespoon(s) lard, or duck fatPaleo Spaghetti
coconut oil1 1/2 tablespoon(s)Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad
cooking oilPaleo Hungarian Beef Goulash
olive oil1/4 cup(s)Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad
Herbs & Spices

bay leaf1/2Paleo Spaghetti
black pepper1 teaspoon(s)Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad
caraway seeds2 tablespoon(s)Paleo Hungarian Beef Goulash
cayenne pepper1 teaspoon(s)Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad
oregano1 teaspoon(s) driedPaleo Spaghetti
paprika2 tablespoon(s)Paleo Hungarian Beef Goulash
salt and pepperto tastePaleo Creamy Mushroom Soup
salt and pepperto tastePaleo Spaghetti
salt and pepperto tastePaleo Spicy Scallop Salad
sea salt1/2 teaspoon(s)Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad
thymehandfulPaleo Creamy Mushroom Soup

fish sauce2 tablespoon(s) or waterPaleo Basil and Chilies Beef Stir-Fry
Tomato Products

chopped tomatoes1 cannedPaleo Hungarian Beef Goulash
tomato paste1 tablespoon(s)Paleo Spaghetti

Dijon mustard1/2 teaspoon(s)Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad
ghee1/8 cup(s)Paleo Creamy Mushroom Soup
mayonnaise1/2 cup(s)Paleo Grape and Broccoli Salad
mayonnaise1/2 tablespoon(s)Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad

red wine1/8 cup(s) or beef stockPaleo Creamy Mushroom Soup

bacon1/8 cup(s) choppedPaleo Spaghetti
beef1 pound(s) cut into thin stripsPaleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
beef1/2 pound(s) cut in cubesPaleo Hungarian Beef Goulash
beef1/2 pound(s)Paleo Spaghetti
beef stock1 1/2 cup(s)Paleo Hungarian Beef Goulash
beef, tender1 pound(s) cut in thin slicesPaleo Basil and Chilies Beef Stir-Fry

scallop1/2 pound(s)Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad

avocado1/2 cubedPaleo Spicy Scallop Salad
lemon1 segmentedPaleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
lemon juice1 tablespoon(s)Paleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
lemon juice1/8 cup(s)Paleo Grape and Broccoli Salad
lemon juice1 1/2 tablespoon(s)Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad
lemon zest1 teaspoon(s)Paleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
orange1 segmentedPaleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
orange juice1 tablespoon(s)Paleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
orange zest1 teaspoon(s)Paleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
red grapes1/2 cup(s) or green, halvedPaleo Grape and Broccoli Salad
Special Produce

basil, fresh1 cup(s)Paleo Basil and Chilies Beef Stir-Fry
garlic clove3 mincedPaleo Basil and Chilies Beef Stir-Fry
garlic clove2 mincedPaleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
garlic clove2 mincedPaleo Creamy Mushroom Soup
garlic clove1 large crushed and mincedPaleo Hungarian Beef Goulash
garlic clove1 1/2 mincedPaleo Spaghetti
garlic clove1/2 mincedPaleo Spicy Scallop Salad
ginger1 teaspoon(s) gratedPaleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
parsleychopped, for garnishingPaleo Hungarian Beef Goulash
parsleyfor garnishingPaleo Spaghetti

asparagus5 ounce(s) choppedPaleo Basil and Chilies Beef Stir-Fry
broccoli2/3 headsPaleo Grape and Broccoli Salad
carrot1 1/2 dicedPaleo Spaghetti
celery stalk1 dicedPaleo Spaghetti
green onion1 choppedPaleo Creamy Mushroom Soup
mixed greens2 handfullsPaleo Spicy Scallop Salad
mushroom1/2 pound(s) chopped with toughPaleo Creamy Mushroom Soup
onion1 slicedPaleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry
onion1 choppedPaleo Creamy Mushroom Soup
onion2 medium slicedPaleo Hungarian Beef Goulash
onion1/2 large chopped and dicedPaleo Spaghetti
red bell pepper1 slicedPaleo Hungarian Beef Goulash
red bell pepper1/2Paleo Spicy Scallop Salad
red chili3 finely choppedPaleo Basil and Chilies Beef Stir-Fry
spinach1 bunchPaleo Citrus Beef Salad Stir-Fry

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 2: Grocery List and Meal Previews

Rest / Make Up Day!!

Week 2: Meal Previews

Paleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad

Paleo Cilantro Pork Stir-Fry

Paleo Coconut Curry Stir-Fry

Paleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach

Paleo Green Chicken Masala

Paleo Minted Pesto Chicken Stir-Fry

Paleo Irish Lamb Soup
Week 2: Grocery List

Baking Supplies

coconut milk1 canPaleo Coconut Curry Stir-Fry
coconut milk1/2 cup(s) full fatPaleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach
coconut milk1/2 cup(s) full fatPaleo Green Chicken Masala
pine nuts1/4 cup(s)Paleo Minted Pesto Chicken Stir-Fry

coconut oil1 1/2 tablespoon(s) or butterPaleo Green Chicken Masala
olive oil1/4 cup(s)Paleo Cilantro Pork Stir-Fry
olive oil1/4 cup(s)Paleo Minted Pesto Chicken Stir-Fry
Herbs & Spices

bay leaf1/4Paleo Irish Lamb Soup
black pepperto tastePaleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad
black pepperto tastePaleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach
black pepperto tastePaleo Green Chicken Masala
cardamom, ground1/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Green Chicken Masala
cinnamon1/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Green Chicken Masala
cloves, ground1/8 teaspoon(s)Paleo Green Chicken Masala
curry powder1 1/2 teaspoon(s)Paleo Coconut Curry Stir-Fry
curry powder1 teaspoon(s)Paleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach
oregano1/2 tablespoon(s)Paleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad
salt and pepperto tastePaleo Irish Lamb Soup
sea saltto tastePaleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad
sea saltto tastePaleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach
sea saltto tastePaleo Green Chicken Masala
thyme, dried1/4 teaspoon(s)Paleo Irish Lamb Soup
Tumeric3/4 teaspoon(s) may omitt if you don'tPaleo Green Chicken Masala

chicken stock1/4 cup(s)Paleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach
Tomato Products

tomato paste1 teaspoon(s)Paleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach

ghee1 1/3 tablespoon(s) or coconut oilPaleo Cilantro Pork Stir-Fry
ghee2 tablespoon(s) or coconut oilPaleo Coconut Curry Stir-Fry
ghee1 pound(s) or coconut oilPaleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach
ghee1/2 tablespoon(s) or coconut oilPaleo Irish Lamb Soup
ghee1 tablespoon(s) or coconut oilPaleo Minted Pesto Chicken Stir-Fry
mayonnaise3 1/2 tablespoon(s) home made or olivePaleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad

Parmesan cheese1/2 cup(s) optionalPaleo Minted Pesto Chicken Stir-Fry

chicken breast, boneless1 1/4 pound(s) cut into cubesPaleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad
chicken breast, boneless1 pound(s) cut into cubesPaleo Coconut Curry Stir-Fry
chicken breast, boneless1 pound(s) cut into thin stripsPaleo Minted Pesto Chicken Stir-Fry
chicken thigh, boneless, skinless1 pound(s) cut into 1 inch pieces.Paleo Green Chicken Masala

beef stock2 cup(s)Paleo Irish Lamb Soup
lamb leg steak, lean3/8 pound(s) cut into 1/2 inch thickPaleo Irish Lamb Soup

pork tenderloin, boneless2/3 pound(s) thinly slicedPaleo Cilantro Pork Stir-Fry

shrimp1 pound(s) peeled and deveinedPaleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach

lemon juice1 ounce(s) juice of two lemonsPaleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad
lemon juice1/8 cup(s)Paleo Green Chicken Masala
lemon juice1/2 tablespoon(s)Paleo Irish Lamb Soup
lime juice2/3 tablespoon(s)Paleo Cilantro Pork Stir-Fry
Special Produce

cilantro leaf1 cup(s) freshPaleo Green Chicken Masala
cilantro, fresh2/3 cup(s) choppedPaleo Cilantro Pork Stir-Fry
garlic clove1 minced very finelyPaleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad
garlic clove2 2/3 finely choppedPaleo Cilantro Pork Stir-Fry
garlic clove2 mincedPaleo Green Chicken Masala
ginger root2/3 teaspoon(s) finely choppedPaleo Cilantro Pork Stir-Fry
ginger root, grated1 teaspoon(s)Paleo Coconut Curry Stir-Fry
mint leaves, fresh2 cup(s)Paleo Minted Pesto Chicken Stir-Fry
mint, fresh1/2 cup(s)Paleo Green Chicken Masala

broccoli2 cup(s) crowns cut into bite sizedPaleo Coconut Curry Stir-Fry
carrot1/2 medium slicedPaleo Irish Lamb Soup
jalapeno1/2 chopped coursleyPaleo Green Chicken Masala
mushroom1 pound(s) any kind, quarteredPaleo Minted Pesto Chicken Stir-Fry
onion1/2 large choppedPaleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad
onion1 1/3 medium thinly slicedPaleo Cilantro Pork Stir-Fry
onion1/2 medium choppedPaleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach
onion1/2 medium finely choppedPaleo Green Chicken Masala
onion1/2 medium coursely choppedPaleo Irish Lamb Soup
onion1 medium slicedPaleo Minted Pesto Chicken Stir-Fry
Romaine lettuce head1/2 washed and shreddedPaleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad
spinach1 cup(s) shredded and tightly packedPaleo Curried Shrimp and Spinach
spinach bunch1 freshPaleo Coconut Curry Stir-Fry
zucchini2 1/2 medium cut into cubesPaleo Chicken and Zucchini Hot Salad